The end of summer is fast approaching. Soon plants will begin to display an autumn leaf color, temperatures will drop, and clocks will “fall back” an hour. This is the perfect opportunity to assess your winter items and store your summer ones for next season.
Take advantage of this time to declutter by examining each item determining if you need it (e.g., things that are seldom used or just simply forgotten). And while you’re at it, consider winterizing your home by reevaluating the exterior from the plumbing to the roof. Here are some things to check:
Air condition - Clean the condensing unit of debris to prevent reduction of air efficiency.
Heater - Do a test run--you don’t want to be out in the cold checking your heating system!
Weatherstripping around windows and door frames - This is an area where air can get in and heat can escape.
Wood decay - To preserve the structure of your house, walk around it looking for any rotted wood that needs repair or replacement.
Plumbing - Insulate exposed piping to protect against cold weather.
Roof - Replace worn or missing shingles to stop leaks.
"Your home is your castle" is not just a cliche but a reality. Start thinking now about maintaining your house for the winter to keep it running efficiently and in excellent shape!
